《头脑特工队2》首周票房大爆 创下2024年动画电影开画佳绩


Credit: Pixar

Inside Out 2, Pixar’s belated sequel to the 2015 animation about the emotions controlling an 11-year-old girl, has far exceeded ticket sale predictions for its opening weekend. The film, which opened across the world on Friday, had hit $155m at the US box office.上周五在全球上映的《头脑特工队2》首周末北美票房远超预期,斩获了1.55亿美元。这部电影是2015年皮克斯动画《头脑特工队》的续集,描述了主导一个11岁女孩内心世界的各种情绪。

This makes it not only the highest-performing film of the year so far but the first movie since last year’s Barbie ($162m) to make over $100m on its opening weekend.这使该片不仅成为今年迄今为止票房最高的电影,也是自去年《芭比》创下1.62亿美元开画成绩以来的第一部首周末票房超过1亿美元的电影。

Internationally, the film’s performance was also impressive: it took $140m, bumping Frozen 2 ($135m) into second place as the biggest overseas animated opening of all time.《头脑特工队2》的首周末海外票房也很亮眼,高达1.4亿美元,打败《冰雪奇缘2》(1.35亿美元)成为有史以来海外开画票房最高的影片。

The film’s global total is now $295m, meaning it has now made back both its original $200m budget and the considerable marketing spend.该电影的全球总票房现在达到了2.95亿美元,这意味着片方不仅可以收回原定的2亿美元制作预算,还可以覆盖大笔的营销支出。

Inside Out 2, set two years after the original, sees a new set of emotions invade the head of its heroine, Riley, as she hits puberty, with Anxiety (voiced by Maya Hawke), ousting Joy (returning Amy Poehler) as commander-in-chief, accompanied by new sidekicks Ennui, Embarrassment and Envy.《头脑特工队2》的故事背景设定在原作两年之后,随着女主人公莱莉进入了青春期,新的一组情绪入侵了莱莉的大脑,焦焦(玛雅·霍克配音)取代乐乐(依然由艾米·波勒配音)成为了总指挥,丧丧、尬尬和慕慕成为新的副手。

The core emotions – Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger and Disgust – are dispatched to the back of the mind, from where they must attempt to return to headquarters before Riley’s sense of self is entirely dismantled.核心情绪——乐乐、忧忧、怕怕、怒怒和厌厌被发配到大脑后方,他们必须在莱莉的自我意识完全瓦解之前努力回到总部。

Inside Out 2 scored the second biggest opening in Pixar history, behind the 2018 Incredibles sequel ($182m) and ahead of the 2016 followup to Finding Nemo ($135m) and the fourth Toy Story movie in 2019 ($120m).《头脑特工队2》取得了皮克斯有史以来第二高的开画成绩,仅次于2018年《超人总动员2》的1.82亿美元,领先于2016年的《海底总动员2》(1.35亿美元)和2019年的《玩具总动员4》(1.2亿美元)。


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